Starting a Painting Over: When the Initial Pass Just Sucks! Blog, General, Instruction, Painting Diary, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtFebruary 13, 2025feed, regeneration, start over, painting fail, rebirth, painting with moksha, art lessons, art demo, art adviseComment
Initiating Change Blog, General, Instruction, SpiritualityMoksha MarquardtApril 8, 2024self love, self awareness, self knowing, compassion, love, change, growth, loss, rebirth, brand new day, moksha, freedom, inner peace, inner strength, feed, meditation, thoughtfulness, focus, dreams, manifest, creative manifestation, manifestation, liberation, self empowerment, self, empowermentComment
The Garden of My Being ontology, SpiritualityMoksha MarquardtApril 4, 2024spirituality, spiritual growth, spirit, spiritual healing, trauma healing, rebirth, weeding, gardening, growth, creative growth, creative visualization, planting, abundance, seeds, beliefs, belief, moksha, moksha kusa, moksha marquardt, compassion, self love, love, grow, plant, feed, ontology, metaphysicsComment
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 20 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 21, 2019new moon, ocean, water, cosmos, rebirth, entity, storm, consciousness
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 7 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 8, 2019oil painting, fine art painting, octopus, water tree, original nature, motionless flame, rebirth, emerging, moksha, ocean
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary, Day 1 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 2, 2019painting, history, diary, story of change, evolution, growth, rebirth