Starting a Painting Over: When the Initial Pass Just Sucks! Blog, General, Instruction, Painting Diary, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtFebruary 13, 2025feed, regeneration, start over, painting fail, rebirth, painting with moksha, art lessons, art demo, art adviseComment
When is it Okay to Revisit a Previously “Finished” Work? Blog, General, Instruction, Painting Diary, Spirituality, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtMarch 5, 2024feed, painting, creativity, creative process, creative practice, creative growth, artist inspiration, artistic expression, artist advice Comment
The Story Behind the Crazy Artist Series General, Painting Diary, Time Lapse Painting, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtDecember 23, 2023crazy artist, artist working, creative inspiration, timelapse, timelapse painting, the creative process, making of, artist inspiration, funny, spoof, acrylic painting, painting in acrylics, feed Comments
Jai Hanuman! Exhibitions, General, Limited Edition, Merchandise, Original Art, Painting Diary, Work in progress, hindu godsMoksha MarquardtFebruary 9, 2021hanuman, hinduism, mantra, sanskrit, om, devotion, devotee, devotional, sita ram, ram, ramayana, yogi, love, acrylic painting, Bhakti, rama, yoga, practice, japa, lanka, ravana, lord hanuman, kali, Saraswati, shiva, shakti, warrior heart, moksha, moksha marquardt, moksha kusa, ganesha Comments
Ganesha, Lord of New Beginnings, Part 1 General, Painting Diary, Original Art, Work in progress, hindu godsMoksha MarquardtJanuary 7, 2021Ganesha, Ganesh, Ganapatayei, Ganapati, Hindu God, Mantra, Elephant boy, Elephant, prosperity, good fortune, abundance, obstacles, remover, work in progressComment
Even The Hummingbirds Are Fighting General, Painting Diary, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtMay 30, 2020genesis, acrylic painting, riots, hummingbirds, art heals Comment
Painting Grass Demo General, Instruction, Time Lapse Painting, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtJanuary 7, 2020grass, timelapse, timelapse painting, painting grass
Glazing With Acrylic Paints Demo General, Time Lapse Painting, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtJanuary 3, 2020time lapse, painter painting, time lapse painting, visionary art, artist working, in the art studio, moksha marquardt, painting with moksha, glazing
New Years Eve 2020 Painting Marathon General, Time Lapse Painting, Work in progressMoksha MarquardtJanuary 1, 2020time lapse