10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 7 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 8, 2019oil painting, fine art painting, octopus, water tree, original nature, motionless flame, rebirth, emerging, moksha, ocean
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 6 of 30 Painting Diary, GeneralMoksha MarquardtDecember 7, 2019jungle, foliage, chameleon, nature art, Venus fly traps, carnivorous plants, tropical
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 5 0f 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 6, 2019hornets, hornets nest, oil painting, fine art painting, bee hive, hive, wasps
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 4 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 5, 2019ocean, tree, volcano, tree of life, birth, water, surrealist, surrealism, Beksinski
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary Day 3 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 4, 2019atomic tree, autobiography, artist story, history, change, circle of life, mushroom cloud
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary, Day 2 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 3, 2019life and death, circle of life, death, polination, bee, flower, skull, fine art painting, oil painting
10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary, Day 1 of 30 General, Painting DiaryMoksha MarquardtDecember 2, 2019painting, history, diary, story of change, evolution, growth, rebirth