10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 30 of 30
Final Entry: Infinity, 2019
What a long strange decade it’s been! It’s wild out there in the world. And as the ice caps melt I’ve been going inward and doing a lot of quiet meditation, because what else can I do? The last 10 years have been so full of change and growth for me that it’s hard to believe. I’ve been dedicated to the work required to bring change to my life, actively taking part in my journey more than I ever have. I’m ready to look my destiny in the eye…
The path I’ve chosen is proving to be very challenging as I struggle to find a way to chase my dreams and also pay the rent. I like to think that challenge itself is the very heart of the choice I’ve made. It’s a necessity that it’s hard. Struggle is the fuel we burn to make our dreams real. When you stand at the gates to your dream and you see nothing but hard work off into the horizon, do you turn back and give up or do you press on with the satisfaction of knowing that you are not taking the bait of ease? If the reward is in the path itself, I’m all in. I have my doubts but they don’t have me.
This painting came to me one day when I was playing my buffalo skin hoop drum. In the head of the living drum I saw a buffalo, stoic and deeply knowing. He was starring into the far distance, through time and space, into the infinite and he knew that through all of the fight and suffering and joy and returns that all of it was just a feeling in the heart. Peace is a choice. I happened to have a giant round blank canvas in the basement and I rushed to dig it out and immediately started this painting, working very late that night…
Happy new year, friends. It’s been a fun challenge to open up and share these stories with you. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them, I plan to write more this coming year, there is so much more to tell.
Infinity, acrylic on canvas, 2019