All Points Vanishing

Art, Nature and Spirituality

10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 25 of 30

Painting Diary 25 of 30: Forest Spirit, 2018

When I painted this one I was again unemployed and working full time in my Georgetown studio, pouring out art like a maniac. This was painted in only about 3 days, which is definitely not the normal. It really just flowed out of me, mostly because I had a pretty distinct vision in my head when I started it, but also because I was able to approach it with an unselfish ease. 

A lesson I learned painting this was to really let go of my expectations and let the painting evolve on its own. The vision I had in my head and what actually was painted are pretty different looking however the essence is exactly what I was going for. It was easy to paint because I didn’t fight the process and try to take control. I just let it be, the painting knew exactly what it was, me, I was just the humble servant. This way of creating and its effectiveness is something I’ve been keenly aware of for years now and I’ve been trying my best to always practice this approach to painting but it was never so natural feeling than when I made this little painting. 

The meaning here? It’s simply the benevolent spirit of the woods. Does it look benevolent? Or do you think this entity is scary? How do you feel when you’re alone in the dark woods, are you afraid? I think the lesson in this vision for me is that I get back what I bring in to a situation. Bravery is always rewarded. Go into the woods with out fear. 

It reminds me of the scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Luke goes into the cave, Yoda tells him he won’t need his weapons but Luke doesn’t listen. “What’s in the there” he asks Yoda. “Only what you bring in.”

Forest Spirit, acrylic on canvas, 2018

Forest Spirit, acrylic on canvas, 2018