10 Year Anniversary: The Painting Diary 22 of 30
Painting Diary 22 of 30: Concentration, 2017
This painting is called Concentration and is a meditation on the power of focus. I was learning that if I really focused on my work and stayed with it that I could get into a really extraordinary flow. I think it takes a few things. It takes a good work space. You need a proper place to work with good light, enough room to spread out as needed and easy access to your tools. Second it takes a place where you won’t be distracted. If you can work for at least a couple hours straight without distractions you’re in a good place.
The name of the game is to not distract yourself with the phone or refrigerator or whatever it is. I can see myself doing this more when I’m working at home and I get into a tough spot in my painting and the easiest way out is to check instagram or go see what I can snack on, or make another cup of tea rather than stay focused and push through the challenges before me. Concentration is essential. That’s what I was finding at this point in my development. My output starting in 2017 and on has been very good. I would say even prolific.
I was never prolific before, so what changed? Most importantly I was really into doing it. I wanted to paint. It was my favorite thing, not something I felt like I should do. Secondly I didn’t have a day job for most of 2017 so I had the time to do it. I think having a dedicated art studio this year also was a contributing factor. Everyday almost without fail, I would drive to the studio and work. Most of the time I had ideas but sometimes I didn’t know what I wanted to paint. Instead of starring at the canvas waiting for genius to come find me, I would just start working. Bukowski said he never had writers block a day in his life because everyday he would sit down and just write. He created a space for it and did it. Focus.
So this panther is no different. She’s seeing the object of desire, keeping her eyes ahead and moving forward. That’s all it takes. Some days I feel it more than others, but I find that once I start working I almost always fall back in love with the magic of being a creator creating something.
Concentration, Acrylic on canvas, 2017