CoSM Deities and Demons 2018
I’m a little slow posting this but I just want to express my gratitude for all the lovely souls out at CoSM who made the 2018 Deities and Demons masquerade a smashing success. I had so much fun in my Jedi robes, painting with Alex and Allyson, Xavi, Stella and Martin. It’s a lovely place to chill for a few days and get inspired. Good food, great art and amazing people. And the train ride upstate to the sleepy little train station was beautiful and felt like some kind of mythological boarder crossing. Here is one of the two paintings I made there, the other still needs a lot of work but you can catch a glimpse of it over my shoulder in the second photo. Thanks again CoSM, I hope I can come back soon!
Wheels of Creation
The Force is strong